Thursday, June 16, 2011

Granville, Mont Saint-Michel, and Saint-Malo, Normandy and Brittany, France

My sister and I drove from Normandy into Brittany, visiting the walled cities of Granville and Saint-Malo, and the island of Mont Saint-Michel.

Roadside lunch on the way from Bayeux to Granville: cheese, crackers, jam, and salami

Granville - be sure to use the French, not Strine, pronunciation (that's my sister)

Granville Harbour

La Manche (the English Channel)

Le Mont Saint-Michel emerging from the haze

Le Mont Saint-Michel


It's really sticky mud - I had to turn back

View from behind

Archangel Michael

Les quatre évangélistes - Matthieu, Marc, Luc, et Jean


Stuck in the mud?

Moving on to Brittany, and the walled city of Saint-Malo

Le Fort National, Saint-Malo

La plage Bon-secours

Causeway, Grand Bé, and Petit Bé (with fort)


How French does the guy on the left look?

La plage du Môle

Next: Chartres, France…