Saturday, February 23, 2008

Shiny new blog

Aaah, that's more like it! I've been meaning to transfer my blog for a while, and finally I've done it.

Quick update on my life:

  • I passed the supplementary Barrier exam in December, so now I'm in third year! Such a relief.
  • I moved house in December too, and I'm loving it in the new place. I especially love the organic market down the road (every Saturday).
  • I went to South Australia in January - first to Kangaroo Island with my Mum, which was brilliant, and then to my rural placement on the Fleurieu Peninsula. I had a good time there too.
  • When I returned from SA it was straight back to uni!
  • And I've been working lots of hours, writing and editing. Whenever I'm at home, I'm working on the computer. I'm very tired, but I need the money.
Third year consists of 8 four-week clinical placements. I've just completed my time in Emergency and Anaesthetics - loved both of them, but especially Anaesthetics, which I'm very interested in as a possible career. On Monday I start my next placement in ENT (ear, nose and throat) and ophthalmology (eyes), which I'm looking forward to (especially ophthalmology).

That's it for now - more soon...

One more thing - the name of my new blog comes from the title of one of my med textbooks, "Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease" (also known as "Robbins").

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well it may be a nice shiny new blog but it appears to be gathering dust. Get cracking!!